The idea is to list the local branches using git branch, filter the results and apply git branch -d for each line.
git branch | grep-v master | xargs git branch -d
git branch lists all available local branches. With grep -v the master branch is filtered out. Then each line is passed to git branch -D using xargs.
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('git branch ^| findstr /v master') DO git branch -d %%G
The same idea here, but with different tools. Instead of grep -v we’ll use findstr /v. Unfortunately xargs has no alternative, the only way is to use a for loop.
There may be times when you will want to render a string with HTML entities in it in your React application. An HTML entity is a piece of text (string) that begins with an ampersand (&) and ends with a semicolon (;). They are frequently used to display reserved and invisible characters, like non-breaking spaces ( ) or soft hyphens (​) for marking line breaking opportunities.
If you are into Lean manufacturing and product development, you should watch this beautiful documentary about the development and manufacturing of the Boeing 777 aircraft from 1996. It took 5 years and 5 billion dollars to build it from scratch. Ten thousand people worked on it together under Alan Mulally.
Mulally created an entirely new management system for the Boeing 777 program. He focused his energies on Working Together: design/build teams were created with members from design, manufacturing, suppliers, and customer airlines. There were no secrets in the teams, everyone was urged “share early and share often”.